Sunday 14 July 2013

Things that make my summer

After forgetting my username for about 6 months haha, I bring you: 

Things that make my summer.

 1. The million stars that shine in the late midland sky. So many, they look like inverted Oreo ice cream. Making me feel insignificant to a universe out there.

2. The feel of the sun kissing the tops of my shoulder on a hot summers day.

3. The feel of the cool water, the first time I dip into it, the way it makes my toes tickle in the water.

4. That taste of that fresh homemade berry mix ice cream from the farm. Melting slowly into a blissful memory.

5. That sweet feeling of stealing fresh strawberries from the private farm, and how sweet and juicy they taste.

6. The way he makes me giggle like a kid.

7. The excitement of jumping out of bed early in the morning so I can have some fresh coffee with dad in the back yard.

8. Late night walks of exploration.

9. Reading a book by the water on freshly cut grass. 

10. The forrest out there, at night when you're camping in a tent. The sounds and noises of the unknown world.

11. The warmth of the bonfire, that melts my s'mores into a gooey heaven.

12. Tight hugs and helicopter hugs (LOL!) from loved ones, especially when they're an ocean away. Love you all.