Tuesday 24 January 2012

Snap snap snap

What is a photograph?
A photograph is a mili second captured on a paper, or as a viewable digital picture. It makes that one second last forever. Exactly the way it happened. No changes. It's a way to stop time. Keep it from moving, a way that defies the laws of time and movement. In that picture, time stands still, people stand still. Even after theyre long gone. They appear in that photo, just as real life. Just as they once stood before. A little peice of them caught in that little photo. Forever.

People change. They grow up or grow old. That photo of them is something that stays the same throughout time. It keeps them the way they were. It keeps them alive. It's magnificent if you ask me. I wish I can take pictures of the whole world on my camera, of everyone I know, everyone I don't know. Try and keep it. As it is. Forever.

We forget a lot. Forget how we once felt, how we once loved. We forget what we saw, what we encountered, we forget the bad times as well as the good times. Photos are there to remind us, how we once were. What we once saw, how we once lived.

A machine to stop time. And make us watch a moment over and over. Making time timeless.

Take your cameras out. Your future selves will thank you for it.

Sunday 15 January 2012


I always wondered what it is that I'll be doing once the zombies attack. Mind you I still can't figure out how the zombies will come about in the first place, like what will trigger them. Will it be a bang heard all around the globe? Or will it be a disease infecting people's brains? Either way I think about it nearly all the time.

I would like to consider myself ready if a zombie attack was to occur. I have worked out vigorously, kept my weight down. My leg muscles can keep me running for days if I had to. Yes I'm serious.

I've practiced to be aware of my surroundings. No zombie can surprise me without me knowing about it.

I have used my boney fingers to poke pillows, tomatoes, even soap bars, incase I'll ever have to poke someone's eyes out. And I've been biting people since 1991. Needless to say, i've advanced far since then. It is after all survival of the fittest.

I'm quick with reactions. And I know exactly what to do. I've even practiced on guns for crying out loud.

Not to mention, I can stitch wounds, give shots, treat people and fix fractures.

Bottom line, I am trained and ready or combat. And nothing scares me.

But I have come to the sad realization that I however awesome, cant survive alone, Without a proper gang, a team.

I need a tech genius, I will need someone with mad driving skills cuz I drive like women. Asian women.
Someone that knows the area. I'll need someone with good armour experience and anyone else that seems useful with anti zombie skills. Also.. I will also need someone, prefereably with good genes, just incase if I'll be needing to repopulate the world with.

When the time comes you'll remember me. If you will be fending off zombies by yourself, then I bid you the best of luck! Either way, I hope I see you at the end line!

Sick and other random stuff

I've got the flu. I think. Even though I believe that I never get sick, and I never do, I am currently getting symptoms of a runny nose and a sore throat, just symptoms. It doesn't mean I am sick..
The worst thing about this is, even though in my head I am not sick, my brain isn't functioning, my body feels weird and there's mucous coming out of every orfice of my body.

My remedy of green tea and ginger with honey and lemon has failed. And I call myself a pharmacist. Pshhhht

News on the forefront: Although work can be sucky at times, yet I still manage to find pleasures. Some people can put a smile on my face without even trying. In other news: brace yourselves, winter is coming.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

That awesome moment

That moment, when everything is going the wrong way, nothing is working out, you lose alot, you miss the bus, you lose your keys, your phone is off because the batteries are depleted and you think to yourself, this can't get any worse. Well, the universe hears your cry of despair and accepts your challenge.
So days go by, weeks, even months and you're at an all time low. You've done all you could do, yet nothing is working out. So you take on the universe and its' challenge and you donate, you pray, you even clean your room daily thinking it's the last straw.

Nothing. In fact, you lose your job, and you can't find another one.

Then one day out of the blue, you share a seat with a kind stranger on the bus. They smile at you.

You get that job interview You always wanted. And you get the job.

You were left out but all of a sudden you find yourself sitting at a table with your close friends.

And your life blooms. No reason. Just does.
You get everything you want, including that vacation you were dying for. Including the guy you always wanted, or that girl.

Don't lose hope. It takes weeks, months years even. It will look up. There really is a light at the end of that tunnel. You just have to keep on walking.