Monday 12 September 2011

Summer is over, along with everything else

This was my status on Facebook. What does it mean? Honestly, it means nothing, I've changed alot this summer, and I feel like there will be things I shall be taking with me into the next year, somethings I shall leave behind. New year for me is the beginining of September of every year. Its when winter starts, and slowly it leads to summer, where the best is saved for the last. Now that this year is over, I feel like I have to change my goals on what I've wanted to accomplish.

Sometimes, when I'm walking down a street, or in a park, at night, I feel like at that very moment in life, I was meant to be walking down that very street, so I try and change something, instead of walking I would run, or twirl, in the street, or take my shoes off and walk barefoot feeling the damp grass with my toes, however I try and change the course, yet I still feel like thats exactly what I'm meant to be doing. Theres no limit to what you want to do, where you want to be, say what you want to say. I never let popular belief stop me, I always defied culture with what I believe in. 

There were days where I used to bike on forever. When I was 10 there was a place I'd bike to, around the houses, up the street, all the way up the hill and down it, past the golf course, behind that country club, where the sea hits the white sands, where that shallow salty lake lies, miles away till my bike cant go up the ragged rocks anymore that's where I'd stop and sit, where I'd like to believe no one has ever been, silence, just the sound of the waves of the sea hitting the shore line. No one knew where I was, it was miles of rocks and sand on one side, and the sea on the other. No one knows where this place is. I'd be there for hours. I knew somewhere inside of me that if someone found me it wouldn't be good, that's how little girls disappear, or even worse, they'd tell my parents and I'd be grounded, well, thats what I thought at that time. 
Ever since we moved (5 times now), that place has been thousands of miles away. And I still dream about it. I wonder if anyone ever goes there, or if anyone has ever stood in the same place I once stood. 
The uninhabited intrigues me, its just a place to explore, an adventure waiting to happen. 
Speaking of unpopular things, heres a unique under rated talent you could try listening to, 

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